What Fans Want: Rising to the Wireless Challenges of Large Public Venue

Simple and challenging are two sides of the same coin when it comes to pleasing fans in a Large Public Venue (LPV). On the surface, fans simply want to have fun and make memories, so the inherent excitement from witnessing a live performance in a public forum with others that share the same passion is a recipe for a universal great time. The interesting dynamic is that many LPV music, sports, and events attract fans in a range of fervor, demographics, and technical savvy, all with different visions on the best way to experience the occasion. To further complicate the scenario, the venue staff and organizers require infrastructure to support the attendees so the good times can keep a rollin. From a wireless network perspective, the challenges and benefits have never been more exciting, and getting the right network in place to support the gush of fans and their data-hungry devices while prioritizing the applications that keep staff in control is critical.
In the post-paper economy, cash and physical tickets are replaced with apps and digital transactions. Getting through the gate, fans need to access the internet to retrieve their tickets (if they save d their ticket as a screenshot or to a digital wallet, they likely experienced wireless challenges firsthand at an LPV). Staff relies on wireless connections to validate and sell entry tickets, process digital transactions for concessions and souvenirs through either card or app, and notify other staff if assistance is needed. Safety and security personnel require connectivity and mobility to keep crowds under control and provide medical assistance. When the event is over, calls, texts, and apps all compete to notify friends, family, or ride shares that it’s time to move on to the next location —all this to ensure that the fans have access to shared amenities and an orderly event.
Fans want amenities and order, but that’s not why they showed up. Fans showed up so they could lose themselves in the occasion. They want to send out selfies, upload videos to social media, live stream to followers, review replays, fact-check stats, search for the next show, play with virtual and augmented reality if — it’s offered, and the list goes on. Fans expect a network that prioritizes infrastructure, so everything runs smoothly, so they can enjoy the features and apps their device provides.
Delivering Wi-Fi to the Masses
Ventev believes that working closely with our clients empowers LPVs to customize and prioritize networks with high-quality and performance products that are rugged and easy to deploy. Find out how coverage, capacity, and aesthetics for your LPV will give the fans what they want